Freezing parameters#

Often it is useful to not train particular parameters. The easiest way to achieve this is to use paramax.wrappers.non_trainable(). This will wrap the inexact array leaves with paramax.wrappers.NonTrainable, which will apply stop_gradient when unwrapping the parameters. For commonly used distribution and bijection methods, unwrapping is applied automatically. For example

>>> from flowjax.distributions import Normal
>>> import paramax
>>> dist = Normal()
>>> dist = paramax.non_trainable(dist)

To mark part of a tree as frozen, use non_trainable with e.g. equinox.tree_at or jax.tree_map.

Extracting parameters#

To partition out the trainable parameters from other components of FlowJAX distributions or bijections we can use equinox. As paramax.NonTrainable can be used to mark certain arrays as non-trainable, these should additionally be filtered into the static component.

>>> import equinox as eqx
>>> params, static = eqx.partition(
...     dist,
...     eqx.is_inexact_array,
...     is_leaf=lambda leaf: isinstance(leaf, paramax.NonTrainable),
... )

where params is a pytree of arrays containing the parameters.

Standardizing variables#

In general you should consider the form and scales of the target samples. For example, you could define a bijection to carry out the preprocessing, then to transform the flow with the inverse, to “undo” the preprocessing, e.g.

>>> import jax
>>> from flowjax.bijections import Affine, Invert
>>> from flowjax.distributions import Transformed
>>> preprocess = Affine(-x.mean(axis=0)/x.std(axis=0), 1/x.std(axis=0))
>>> x_processed = jax.vmap(preprocess.transform)(x)
>>> flow, losses = fit_to_data(key, dist=flow, x=x_processed) 
>>> flow = Transformed(flow, Invert(preprocess))  # "undo" the preprocessing

When to JIT#

The methods of distributions and bijections are not necessarily jitted by default. For example, if you wanted to sample several batches after training, then it is usually worth using jit

>>> import equinox as eqx
>>> import jax.random as jr

>>> batch_size = 256
>>> keys = jr.split(jr.key(0), 5)

>>> # Often slow - sample not jitted!
>>> results = []
>>> for batch_key in keys:
...     x = flow.sample(batch_key, (batch_size,))
...     results.append(x)

>>> # Fast - sample jitted!
>>> results = []
>>> for batch_key in keys:
...     x = eqx.filter_jit(flow.sample)(batch_key, (batch_size,))
...     results.append(x)


As the distributions and bijections are equinox modules, we can serialize/deserialize them using the same method outlined in the equinox documentation.

Runtime type checking#

If you want to enable runtime type checking we can use jaxtyping and a typechecker such as beartype. Below is an example using jaxtypings import hook

>>> from jaxtyping import install_import_hook

>>> with install_import_hook("flowjax", "beartype.beartype"):
...    from flowjax import bijections as bij

>>> exp = bij.Exp(shape=2)  # Raises a helpful error as 2 is not a tuple