Source code for flowjax.bijections.jax_transforms

"""Bijections that wrap JAX function transforms (scan and vmap)."""

from import Callable

import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.lax import scan
from jax.tree_util import tree_leaves, tree_map
from jaxtyping import PyTree
from paramax import contains_unwrappables, unwrap

from flowjax.bijections.bijection import AbstractBijection

[docs] class Scan(AbstractBijection): """Repeatedly apply the same bijection with different parameter values. Internally, uses `jax.lax.scan` to reduce compilation time. Often it is convenient to construct these using ``equinox.filter_vmap``. Args: bijection: A bijection, in which the arrays leaves have an additional leading axis to scan over. It is often can convenient to create compatible bijections with ``equinox.filter_vmap``. Example: Below is equivilent to ``Chain([Affine(p) for p in params])``. .. doctest:: >>> from flowjax.bijections import Scan, Affine >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> import equinox as eqx >>> params = jnp.ones((3, 2)) >>> affine = eqx.filter_vmap(Affine)(params) >>> affine = Scan(affine) """ bijection: AbstractBijection def transform_and_log_det(self, x, condition=None): def step(carry, bijection): x, log_det = carry y, log_det_i = bijection.transform_and_log_det(x, condition) return ((y, log_det + log_det_i.sum()), None) (y, log_det), _ = _filter_scan(step, (x, 0), self.bijection) return y, log_det def inverse_and_log_det(self, y, condition=None): def step(carry, bijection): y, log_det = carry x, log_det_i = bijection.inverse_and_log_det(y, condition) return ((x, log_det + log_det_i.sum()), None) (y, log_det), _ = _filter_scan(step, (y, 0), self.bijection, reverse=True) return y, log_det @property def shape(self): return self.bijection.shape @property def cond_shape(self): return self.bijection.cond_shape
def _filter_scan(f, init, xs, *, reverse=False): params, static = eqx.partition(xs, filter_spec=eqx.is_array) def _scan_fn(carry, x): module = eqx.combine(x, static) carry, y = f(carry, module) return carry, y return scan(_scan_fn, init, params, reverse=reverse) def _check_no_unwrappables(pytree): if contains_unwrappables(pytree): raise ValueError( "In axes containing unwrappables is not supported. In axes must be " "specified to match the structure of the unwrapped pytree i.e after " "calling pararamax.unwrap." )
[docs] class Vmap(AbstractBijection): """Applies vmap to bijection methods to add a batch dimension to the bijection. Args: bijection: The bijection to vectorize. in_axes: Specify which axes of the bijection parameters to vectorise over. It should be a PyTree of ``None``, ``int`` with the tree structure being a prefix of the bijection, or a callable mapping ``Leaf -> Union[None, int]``. Note, if the bijection contains unwrappables, then in_axes should be specified for the unwrapped structure of the bijection. Defaults to None. axis_size: The size of the new axis. This should be left unspecified if in_axes is provided, as the size can be inferred from the bijection parameters. Defaults to None. in_axes_condition: Optionally define an axis of the conditioning variable to vectorize over. Defaults to None. Example: .. doctest:: >>> # Add a bijection batch dimension, mapping over bijection parameters >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> import equinox as eqx >>> from flowjax.bijections import Vmap, RationalQuadraticSpline, Affine >>> bijection = eqx.filter_vmap( ... lambda: RationalQuadraticSpline(knots=5, interval=2), ... axis_size=10 ... )() >>> bijection = Vmap(bijection, in_axes=eqx.if_array(0)) >>> bijection.shape (10,) >>> # Add a bijection batch dimension, broadcasting bijection parameters: >>> bijection = RationalQuadraticSpline(knots=5, interval=2) >>> bijection = Vmap(bijection, axis_size=10) >>> bijection.shape (10,) A more advanced use case is to create bijections with more fine grained control over parameter broadcasting. For example, the ``Affine`` constructor broadcasts the location and scale parameters during initialization. What if we want an ``Affine`` bijection, with a global scale parameter, but an elementwise location parameter? We could achieve this as follows. >>> from jax.tree_util import tree_map >>> import paramax >>> bijection = Affine(jnp.zeros(()), jnp.ones(())) >>> bijection = eqx.tree_at(lambda bij: bij.loc, bijection, jnp.arange(3)) >>> in_axes = tree_map(lambda _: None, paramax.unwrap(bijection)) >>> in_axes = eqx.tree_at( ... lambda bij: bij.loc, in_axes, 0, is_leaf=lambda x: x is None ... ) >>> bijection = Vmap(bijection, in_axes=in_axes) >>> bijection.shape (3,) >>> bijection.bijection.loc.shape (3,) >>> paramax.unwrap(bijection.bijection.scale).shape () >>> x = jnp.ones(3) >>> bijection.transform(x) Array([1., 2., 3.], dtype=float32) """ bijection: AbstractBijection in_axes: tuple axis_size: int cond_shape: tuple[int, ...] | None def __init__( self, bijection: AbstractBijection, *, in_axes: PyTree | None | int | Callable = None, axis_size: int | None = None, in_axes_condition: int | None = None, ): if in_axes is not None and axis_size is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both in_axes and axis_size.") if axis_size is None: if in_axes is None: raise ValueError("Either axis_size or in_axes must be provided.") _check_no_unwrappables(in_axes) axis_size = _infer_axis_size_from_params(unwrap(bijection), in_axes) self.in_axes = (in_axes, 0, in_axes_condition) self.bijection = bijection self.axis_size = axis_size self.cond_shape = self.get_cond_shape(in_axes_condition) def vmap(self, f: Callable): return eqx.filter_vmap(f, in_axes=self.in_axes, axis_size=self.axis_size) def transform_and_log_det(self, x, condition=None): def _transform_and_log_det(bijection, x, condition): return bijection.transform_and_log_det(x, condition) y, log_det = self.vmap(_transform_and_log_det)(self.bijection, x, condition) return y, jnp.sum(log_det) def inverse_and_log_det(self, y, condition=None): def _inverse_and_log_det(bijection, x, condition): return bijection.inverse_and_log_det(x, condition) x, log_det = self.vmap(_inverse_and_log_det)(self.bijection, y, condition) return x, jnp.sum(log_det) @property def shape(self): return (self.axis_size, *self.bijection.shape) def get_cond_shape(self, cond_ax): if self.bijection.cond_shape is None or cond_ax is None: return self.bijection.cond_shape return ( *self.bijection.cond_shape[:cond_ax], self.axis_size, *self.bijection.cond_shape[cond_ax:], )
def _infer_axis_size_from_params(tree: PyTree, in_axes) -> int: axes = _resolve_vmapped_axes(tree, in_axes) axis_sizes = tree_leaves( tree_map( lambda leaf, ax: leaf.shape[ax] if ax is not None else None, tree, axes, ), ) if len(axis_sizes) == 0: raise ValueError("in_axes did not map to any leaves to vectorize.") return axis_sizes[0] def _resolve_vmapped_axes(pytree, in_axes): """Returns pytree with ints denoting vmapped dimensions.""" # Adapted from equinox filter_vmap def _resolve_axis(in_axes, elem): if in_axes is None or isinstance(in_axes, int): return tree_map(lambda _: in_axes, elem) if callable(in_axes): return tree_map(in_axes, elem) raise TypeError("`in_axes` must consist of None, ints, and callables.") return tree_map(_resolve_axis, in_axes, pytree, is_leaf=lambda x: x is None)