"""Rational quadratic spline bijections (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04032)."""
from functools import partial
from typing import ClassVar
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxtyping import Array, Float
from paramax import AbstractUnwrappable, Parameterize
from paramax.utils import inv_softplus
from flowjax.bijections.bijection import AbstractBijection
def _real_to_increasing_on_interval(
arr: Float[Array, " dim"],
interval: tuple[int | float, int | float],
softmax_adjust: float = 1e-2,
pad_with_ends: bool = True,
"""Transform unconstrained vector to monotonically increasing positions on [-B, B].
arr: Parameter vector.
interval: Interval to transform output. Defaults to 1.
softmax_adjust : Rescales softmax output using
``(widths + softmax_adjust/widths.size) / (1 + softmax_adjust)``. e.g.
0=no adjustment, 1=average softmax output with evenly spaced widths, >1
promotes more evenly spaced widths.
pad_with_ends: Whether to pad the with -interval and interval. Defaults to True.
if softmax_adjust < 0:
raise ValueError("softmax_adjust should be >= 0.")
widths = jax.nn.softmax(arr)
widths = (widths + softmax_adjust / widths.size) / (1 + softmax_adjust)
widths = widths.at[0].set(widths[0] / 2)
scale = interval[1] - interval[0]
pos = interval[0] + scale * jnp.cumsum(widths)
if pad_with_ends:
pos = jnp.pad(pos, pad_width=1, constant_values=interval)
return pos
class RationalQuadraticSpline(AbstractBijection):
"""Scalar RationalQuadraticSpline transformation (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04032).
knots: Number of knots.
interval: Interval to transform, if a scalar value, uses [-interval, interval],
if a tuple, uses [interval[0], interval[1]]
min_derivative: Minimum dervivative. Defaults to 1e-3.
softmax_adjust: Controls minimum bin width and height by rescaling softmax
output, e.g. 0=no adjustment, 1=average softmax output with evenly spaced
widths, >1 promotes more evenly spaced widths. See
``real_to_increasing_on_interval``. Defaults to 1e-2.
knots: int
interval: tuple[int | float, int | float]
softmax_adjust: float | int
min_derivative: float
x_pos: Array | AbstractUnwrappable[Array]
y_pos: Array | AbstractUnwrappable[Array]
derivatives: Array | AbstractUnwrappable[Array]
shape: ClassVar[tuple] = ()
cond_shape: ClassVar[None] = None
def __init__(
knots: int,
interval: float | int | tuple[int | float, int | float],
min_derivative: float = 1e-3,
softmax_adjust: float | int = 1e-2,
self.knots = knots
interval = interval if isinstance(interval, tuple) else (-interval, interval)
self.interval = interval
self.softmax_adjust = softmax_adjust
self.min_derivative = min_derivative
to_interval = jnp.vectorize(
self.x_pos = Parameterize(to_interval, jnp.zeros(knots))
self.y_pos = Parameterize(to_interval, jnp.zeros(knots))
self.derivatives = Parameterize(
lambda arr: jax.nn.softplus(arr) + min_derivative,
jnp.full(knots + 2, inv_softplus(1 - min_derivative)),
def transform_and_log_det(self, x, condition=None):
# Following notation from the paper
x_pos, y_pos, derivatives = self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.derivatives
in_bounds = jnp.logical_and(x >= self.interval[0], x <= self.interval[1])
x_robust = jnp.where(in_bounds, x, 0) # To avoid nans
k = jnp.searchsorted(x_pos, x_robust) - 1 # k is bin number
xi = (x_robust - x_pos[k]) / (x_pos[k + 1] - x_pos[k])
sk = (y_pos[k + 1] - y_pos[k]) / (x_pos[k + 1] - x_pos[k])
dk, dk1, yk, yk1 = derivatives[k], derivatives[k + 1], y_pos[k], y_pos[k + 1]
num = (yk1 - yk) * (sk * xi**2 + dk * xi * (1 - xi))
den = sk + (dk1 + dk - 2 * sk) * xi * (1 - xi)
y = yk + num / den # eq. 4
# avoid numerical precision issues transforming from in -> out of bounds
y = jnp.clip(y, self.interval[0], self.interval[1])
y = jnp.where(in_bounds, y, x)
return y, jnp.log(self.derivative(x)).sum()
def inverse_and_log_det(self, y, condition=None):
# Following notation from the paper
x_pos, y_pos, derivatives = self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.derivatives
in_bounds = jnp.logical_and(y >= self.interval[0], y <= self.interval[1])
y_robust = jnp.where(in_bounds, y, 0) # To avoid nans
k = jnp.searchsorted(y_pos, y_robust) - 1
xk, xk1, yk, yk1 = x_pos[k], x_pos[k + 1], y_pos[k], y_pos[k + 1]
sk = (yk1 - yk) / (xk1 - xk)
y_delta_s_term = (y_robust - yk) * (
derivatives[k + 1] + derivatives[k] - 2 * sk
a = (yk1 - yk) * (sk - derivatives[k]) + y_delta_s_term
b = (yk1 - yk) * derivatives[k] - y_delta_s_term
c = -sk * (y_robust - yk)
sqrt_term = jnp.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)
xi = (2 * c) / (-b - sqrt_term)
x = xi * (xk1 - xk) + xk
# avoid numerical precision issues transforming from in -> out of bounds
x = jnp.clip(x, self.interval[0], self.interval[1])
x = jnp.where(in_bounds, x, y)
return x, -jnp.log(self.derivative(x)).sum()
def derivative(self, x) -> Array:
"""The derivative dy/dx of the forward transformation."""
# Following notation from the paper (eq. 5)
x_pos, y_pos, derivatives = self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.derivatives
in_bounds = jnp.logical_and(x >= self.interval[0], x <= self.interval[1])
x_robust = jnp.where(in_bounds, x, 0) # To avoid nans
k = jnp.searchsorted(x_pos, x_robust) - 1
xi = (x_robust - x_pos[k]) / (x_pos[k + 1] - x_pos[k])
sk = (y_pos[k + 1] - y_pos[k]) / (x_pos[k + 1] - x_pos[k])
dk, dk1 = derivatives[k], derivatives[k + 1]
num = sk**2 * (dk1 * xi**2 + 2 * sk * xi * (1 - xi) + dk * (1 - xi) ** 2)
den = (sk + (dk1 + dk - 2 * sk) * xi * (1 - xi)) ** 2
derivative = num / den
return jnp.where(in_bounds, derivative, 1.0)